International Opportunities

Within the ERASMUS+ program, it is possible to study at a foreign university for a semester or two where our Department has a bilateral contract (see below). By studying at an approved foreign university you can receive an ERASMUS+ scholarship. This scholarship is not applicable to students who already have certain types of support from the ERASMUS+ programme (e. g. ERASMUS MUNDUS students).

Each student has the possibility to use 12 months for staying abroad during their master studies (including internships supported by ERASMUS+).

Existing bilateral contracts – for more information check our ERASMUS brochure

University Faculty/Department City Country Number of students
Study cycle
Contact person

Utrecht University

Agreement is valid until academic year 2018/19

Faculty of Geosciences

Utrecht Netherlands

1 x 10 months

1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

Ghent University

Agreement is valid until academic year2020/21

Political Science and International Relations Ghent Belgium

1 x 10 months

1st cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

University of Oslo

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Department of Sociology and Human Geography

Oslo Norway

3 x 6 months

1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

Malmö University

Agreement is valid until academic year 2016/17

Department of Global Political Studies

Peace and Conflict Studies

International Migration and Ethnic Relations

Malmö Sweden

2 x 5 months

1st and 2nd  cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

Fatih University

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations

Master’s Degree in International Relations

Istanbul Turkey

2 x 10 months

1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

University of Helsinki

Agreement is valid until academic year 2016

Department of Political and Economic Studies

Development Studies

Helsinki Finland

1 x 10 months or 2 x 5 months

1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

Via University College

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Department of Social Work

Social Work and Social Education

Aarhus Denmark

1 x 10 months

1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

University of Antwerp

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Institute of Development Policy and Management

Advanced master in Globalization and Development

Advanced master in Governance and Development

Advanced master in Development Evaluation and Management

Antwerp Belgium

2 x 12 months

 2nd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Graduate School for Social Research

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

MA in Society and Politics

MA in Economy and Society

Warsaw Poland

2 x 5 months

2nd and 3rd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

University of Turin

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Department of Economics and Statistics

(Department of Cultures, Politics and Society)

Turin Italy

4 x 9 months

1st and 2nd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

University of Manchester

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

 School of Environment, Education and Development  Manchester United Kingdom

 1 x 10 months

1st cycle


University of Brighton

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21


School of Sport and Service management

MA in Sport and International Development, MSc in Tourism and International Development

 Brighton United Kingdom

1 x 5 months

2nd cycle

 Simona Šafaříková

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Department of Geography Trondheim Norway

4 x 10 months

2nd cycle

Miroslav Syrovátka

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Faculté des Sciences sociales et politiques

MA en Sciences de la population et du développement

Brussels Belgium 1 x 6 months
2nd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Université Montpellier 1

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Faculté d´économie

Licence Droit, Economie, Gestion

Master Agriculture, Alimentation, Développement Rural Durable

Montpellier France 2 x 10 months
1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Université d’Auvergne

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Ecole d´économie

Licence Droit, Economie, Gestion

kurzy v angličtině

Clermont-Ferrand France 5 x 10 months
1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Université Pierre Mendes France

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Faculté d´économie de Grenoble

Master Economie, énergie, développement durable

Master Etudes internationales et européennes

Master Sciences du Territoire

Grenoble France 1 x 10 months
1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Université des Antiles et de la Guyane

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines

Licence Géographie et aménagement

Master Géographie

Faculté de droit et d’économie

Licence Economie Gestion

Fort de France France (Martinique) 2 x 12 months
1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Université de la Nouvelle Calédonie

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020

licence Geographie-Histoire

licence Droit, Economie, Gestion

Noumea France (Nouvelle-Calédonie) 1 x 10 months
1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Universidad de Alicante

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Máster universitario en cooperacion al desarrollo

Alicante Spain 2 x 5 months
2nd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Universidad de Huelva

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020

Estudios e Intervención Social en Migraciones, Desarrollo y Grupos Vulnerables
Huelva Spain

1 x 10 months,
2nd cycle

Simona Šafaříková

Universidad de Granada

Agreement is valid until academic year 2021

Máster en Estudios e Intervención Social en Migraciones, Desarrollo y Grupos Vulnerables
Granada Spain 2 x 6 months, 
2nd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020(21)

Máster Universitario en Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano y la Cooperación
Madrid Spain 2 x 12 months, 
2nd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Facultad de Geografía e Historía Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain 2 x 10 months
1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle
Simona Šafaříková

Universidad de Málaga

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

 Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  Málaga Spain

2 x 10 months

1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle (1 student)

 Simona Šafaříková

Universität Wien

Agreement is valid until academic year 2020/21

Department of Development Studies Vienna Austria

1 x 10 months
1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle

Simona Šafaříková


Application process

Applications for the Erasmus program should be submitted in the beginning of each calendar year to the responsible person at the Department of Development & Environmental Studies. Selection procedure usually opens in February.

As a student of the Faculty, you can also apply for an Erasmus program, which bilateral agreement was not signed by our department. However, it is common for departments to prefer their students during the selection process.

Recognition of credits after the Erasmus study abroad

The procedure and rules for recognizing ECTS credits after completing an Erasmus study abroad can be found in the guide here. The guide has a concept of the FAQ (answers to frequently asked questions). The application “Erasmus form” for recognition of credits received during an Erasmus study abroad can be found here.

Incoming students 

For more general information about the Erasmus program administration at Palacky University follow this link.

Further cooperation

Our department welcomes future cooperation with other universities within the Erasmus framework. If you are interested, please contact our department coordinator.

Erasmus+ between Program and Partner Countries

Our department has new opportunities for Erasmus+ mobilities between Program and Partner Countries. Currently, the students of Department of Development Studies can study at following universities:

University  Faculty/Department City Country Number of students
Study cycle
Contact person

The Royal University of Bhutan

Agreement is valid until 2020

 College of Natural Resources  Thimphu (Lobesa)  Bhutan

1 x 6 months

3rd cycle

 Simona Šafaříková

Beit Berl College

Agreement is valid until 2020

Faculty of Society and Culture

Culture and Humanities Studies

 Beit Berl Israel

1 x 6 months

2nd cycle

 Simona Šafaříková

University of Johannesburg

Agreement is valid until 2020

Department of Anthropology and Development Studies

Johannesburg South Africa

1 x 3 months

3rd cycle

 Simona Šafaříková

The Zambia Catholic University

Agreement is valid until 2020

   Kitwe Zambia

1 x 5 months

3rd cycle

 Simona Šafaříková

Universite Hassan II de Casablanca

Agreement is valid until 2020

   Casablanca Morocco  

1 x 5 months

1st cycle

1 x 5 months

2nd cycle

1 x 3 months

3rd cycle

 Simona Šafaříková

ERASMUS+ Scholarship

ERASMUS+ program promotes internships for students in host institutions in EU. Students can gain worthy work experience in an international environment and improve their key skills. Funding is available for internships or voluntary internships between three to six months. Each student has the possibility to use 12 months for staying abroad during his master studies (including study exchange programs supported by ERASMUS+). It is possible to use INTLAG.upol application to search for an internship. For more details please contact Mrs. Simona Šafaříková.

floyed sam samuel-1a
Left photo: Student Floyed met with Slovakian president Kiska during his internship in NGO People in Peril.
Photo in the middle: Our student Samuel Odei spent four months in Brussels working for NGO ALDA. 
Right photo: Our student Samuel (in the middle) at the Council of Europe office in Brussels.
Nteboheng Phakisi spent during her internship in EADI several months in Bonn, Germany. You can check her final report from the internship by following this link.

Vavroušek Scholarship


“I went purposefully where the problems of environment and humanity are connected, especially in the social area. This is not a question of natural science; natural science provides basic information on how nature works, while technology enables technical solutions; but the key to it all is in social sciences, starting from philosophy through psychology, sociology. It is simply essential to interconnect social, technical, and natural sciences as it makes people think in context.”

Josef Vavroušek

The Vavroušek Scholarship is an initiative of the Department of Development Studies of the Faculty of Science in Olomouc. It is provided to students of bachelor and master programs of the Department of Development Studies. The aim of the scholarship is to support internships and research projects in the field of the development cooperation implemented in countries outside the OECD. Many students use the experience and data collected during their stay abroad and internships as the basis for their bachelor or master theses.

The applicant has to prove that he/she has the sufficient resources to finance the costs above the amount provided by the scholarship and sign „the Memorandum of Understanding“ in order to fulfil the condition under which the scholarship may be granted.

Call for proposals opens at the beginning of winter and summer academic term. For detailed information please download also the application forms (12). In case of any further questions about this scholarship, please contact Mr. Martin Schlossarek.

Students supported since May 2022 

See following link and scroll down to tables with „Podpořené projekty“.

Students supported in 2021/2022

November 2021 & May 2022
Lenka Drahá 8 weeks internship in Tanzania CZK 11,500  
Kristína Cabalová 4 weeks internship in Eastern Europe CZK 15,000  

Students supported in 2020/2021

November 2020 & May 2021
Veronika Diatková 8 weeks internship in Tanzania CZK 22,000 cancelled
Vojtěch Jochim 5 weeks internship in Bosnia CZK 13,000 report & photos
Aneta Pavloková 10 weeks internship in Tanzania CZK 28,000 report  & photos
Lucie Podhorná 12 weeks internship in Ghana CZK 22,000 report & photos
K. Hlavičková 8 weeks internship in Uganda CZK 10,000 postponed

Students supported in 2019/2020

November 2019
Vojtěch Jochim 6 weeks internship in Tanzania CZK 15,000 report & photos
Adéla Hemelíková 16 weeks internship in Indonesia CZK 15,000 report & photos
K. Formánková 16 weeks internship in Bhutan CZK 12,500 report & photos
 Zuzana Daubnerová 16 weeks internship in Bhutan CZK 12,500  
M. Holmanová 8 weeks internship in Colombia CZK 15,000 report & photos

Students supported in 2018/2019

November 2018
Barbora Knížková 8 weeks internship in Cambodia CZK 19,800 report & photos

Students supported in 2017/2018

November 2017 & May 2018
Eliška Juřičková 12 weeks internship in Uganda CZK 15,000 report & photos
Nikola Harsová 12 weeks internship in Vietnam CZK 12,000 report & photos
K. Mejsnarová 8 weeks internship in East Africa CZK 10,000 report & photos
Michaela Žajglová 7 weeks internship in Indonesia CZK 5,000 report & photos
Eliška Juřičková 8 weeks internship in Uganda CZK 15,000 canceled


Experience of Students

Kamila Šimková (Aiesec Yaoundé, Cameroon)


“In Cameroon I worked as a volunteer on educational projects in rural areas of the country. Thanks to the internship, I could have better understood the reality of life in this beautiful but poor country. This wasn´t my first internship in Cameroon but I don´t regret the second visit at all. Thanks to my previous experience I worked as one of managers in an organization in English language education. As a great benefit, I consider the opportunity to learn teamwork cooperation in multicultural environment in which I stayed for the entire time. Another significant benefit was my improvement of communication skills in English and French.”


Veronika Semelková (Professional Aliance for Development, Ethiopia)

Semelkova1“In my research stay in Ethiopia, I cooperated with the local non-profit organization PADet. My aim was to conduct quantitative analysis of one of the communitarian projects of the organization. Thanks to this field experience, I have had the opportunity to become a researcher in the process related to data collecting and evaluating. I have confronted closely to the reality of life in a developing country with cultural and language differences which was a challenge. At the same time, I realised that Ethiopia is a country I would like to come back to for further research.”

External Funding

A number of external scholarships are available to students:


Field Trips

During the studies at the Department of Development Studies, students may enroll in the elective subject Field Trip to Development Institutions (Brussels, Strasbourg, Vienna, Bratislava, Geneva etc.). The aim of the field trip is to provide deeper knowledge about development-related issues which is partly mediated by discussions with local experts who also provide students with information about internships or future job prospects. Excursions are designed for 5-10 days.

Another elective subject Field trip to Moldova aims at the enhancement of students’ skills helping to increase their employability in the development job market. The focus is paid to learning about concrete projects implemented in Moldova, a priority country of the Czech Development Cooperation. The accumulated knowledge is shared with other secondary school and university students through the additional activities under the guidance of professional journalist. The aim of the subject is to provide students with the practical side of development cooperation, its results and links to wider development strategies as well as its pitfalls and obstacles. 

Aside from international field trips, the Department of Development Studies additionally offers field trips to Czech institutions dealing with international affairs. For more information about field trips, please contact their organiser Ms. Simona Šafaříková.