
Interview with Shauna WOLFGRAM   Interview with Bruce NYARUGWE

Guilherme De Oliveira Scaglione, Brazil

„I am in my last semester of the Masters in Global Development and most certainly it has been an incredible journey of learning and adapting to new environments. The courses have taught me how to look at several development issues through interesting and complementary perspectives and the academic staff has always been very supportive along the way. Now, as I approach my graduation, I feel more ready to enter the job market and extremely grateful to have had the chance to take part in this program. It really has been a life-changing experience.“



Mónica Aguilar, Honduras

„IDS courses gave me a better understanding of current and relevant topics in the development sector. I learned about global topics like sustainability, migration, international relations, social and gender inequality, environment, project management, multiculturalism and conflict resolution. I loved my time studying and living in Olomouc, it is like a second home to me. Walking through its cobblestoned streets, eating traditional Czech cuisine, and meeting people from all over the world were some of the things I enjoyed the most. Czech language was probably my biggest challenge, but I enjoyed every bit of my road to learn it. I received a lot of support from friends and classmates.“


Rudzani Bernard Mamphweli, South Africa

„I learned a lot from my IDS Master course, it changed the way I see the world. The courses are well structured and interdisciplinary and this allows to learn various aspects of development in the world. Today I have knowledge about development economics, environmental issues, geopolitics, development assistance and development problems of the third world because of the nature of my master’s studies and coming from Social Work background it would not have been easy for me to acquire this knowledge without my IDS Master’s Degree. IDS study was great learning experience and the opportunity to meet people from all parts of the world in the heart of Europe!“


Monique Lima Leite, Brazil

„I decided to study IDS at Palacky University because I was looking for more knowledge to change my life and help, somehow, to change society. It looks like a „superhero“ thing, but it’s more simple and human that it sounds: to use knowledge and skills in favor of a big purpose, a cause, it does not matter which one. Palacky University was not my first choice, but today I can guarantee that was the best. Olomouc is the city of my heart, and it is still the best city I have lived (and I lived in 5 different countries, and I don´t know how many cities). The study was a process of learning. Some courses really opened my mind and I was able to, at the end, work on a Master thesis that I was 100% confident and knew that it was related to the purpose of my work and life.“


Xanani Baloyi, South Africa

„I continue to draw on the knowledge gained from the principal subjects that I studied within my Master’s degree in International Development Studies from Palacký University mainly: Development Assistance (and economics, theories), Conflict Resolution & Environmental Geography and Sustainable Development – I apply the knowledge on my day to day work assignment which is usually transboundary in nature and this master’s degree offered me that approach or method which encompasses several disciplines pertinent in my field of work. I appreciate that the master’s degree also mapped out various international organizations incorporated in the syllabus which broadened my options in terms of where I could choose to work and apply the knowledge gained.“


Fabio Iguavita Duarte, Colombia 

„The language barrier was the absolute challenge. However, after taking 1.5 years of Czech language, I could see the change in the perspectives, the culture and the communication improved tenfold.  It is undeniable that the advantages of such an experience, with its great moments and its suffering forge your character which creates an edge when compared with your own colleagues from home. The fact that you achieved your Mgr. Diploma from the IDS brings only benefits because in Colombia for instance, as a high-skilled labourer, you get paid more for your abilities, and academically, it can open the door to carry on with PhD. level studies. In other words, by achieving your Masters, you become part of an exclusive top-tier group in the world with the knowledge to make a difference.“