Do I have to pay the application fee? Is there any exception?

The application fee is 690 CZK (approx. 27 €). The application fee is compulsory for all applicants. No exceptions are possible. Please do not contact us regarding this.

How to pay for the application? Do you need to have a Czech bank account? Do I have to pay in CZK?

The smoothest way to pay the application fee is by paying with a debit/credit card – you do not need to have an account in CZK – just follow the instructions in the “payment gate.”

Do I have to submit hard copies of the documents?

The documents related to the application are submitted electronically with your e-application. No hard copies are required.  Please note that after clicking on the submit button, it will no longer be possible to change the uploaded documents.

Can I apply for GLODEP if I have not finished my bachelor degree yet?

Yes, you can apply for GLODEP if you have not finished your bachelor degree yet.

Can I apply for the program even after the application deadline?

You have to apply by the end of April in any given academic year to be admitted into the program. 

I would like to add one attachment to the application after submitting it. Is this possible? 

Unfortunately, we cannot consider any documents received after the scholarship application deadline. The application must be submitted and paid before the deadline – 30th  April 2023; otherwise, it is assessed as invalid/ineligible. The payment must be sent before 30th April 2023.

If my referee does not want to share the letter with me, is it possible to send it directly to your email?

Both recommendation letters must be attached to the application. 

What are the requirements for English language proficiency?

We require an official English language certificate on B2 Common European Framework level (e.g. TOEFL, FCE, …) unless the whole or part of the bachelor program was completed in the English language. If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework and the scores needed for a specific English exam, you can consult this website. If your doubts persist, do not hesitate to contact us directly at eva.zwakova@upol.cz

Do I need to know the Czech language?

No, there is no need to speak the Czech language. Learning Czech is optional. Olomouc is a metropolitan city, and in most places, you can speak English, although you might find it useful to learn some basic Czech phrases. Moreover you will have the possibility to visit the Czech language course in the 1st semester. 

Can I apply for the program even though I don’t speak any other foreign language (except English)?

Yes, you can.

What is included in the tuition fees?

The tuition fees (2800 €) cover all lectures, seminars, workshops, consultations with teachers, admin support, and access to Moodle platform as well as to the University library.

Do I have to pay the tuition fees at once?

You have to pay the lump sum before the beginning of the winter semester of the respective academic year (the end of September). However, the Head of the Department may decide on a different due date in justified cases.

Where am I supposed to send tuition fees payment?

Information about the payment is the following:
Bank name: Komerční banka, Olomouc
Account number – IBAN: CZ9801000000433855090287
Account holder: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Křížkovského 8, 771 11 Olomouc
Payment description: your name, KRES – DSF
Reference No.: 3154
Confirmation of payment must be given to to the program coordinator Mrs. Eva Žwaková by sending a scan of the confirmation by email is possible.

How is the academic year structured, i.e., how is the academic year divided between the teaching period and the examination period?

The academic year is organized into a two-semester (winter and summer) system. The teaching in the winter semester starts in September and ends in December; the summer semester teaching period starts in February and ends in May. The second half of December, the month of January, the second half of May, and the month of June are dedicated to the examinations.

What is the grading system at Palacky University Olomouc?

A course can be completed with a colloquium, pre-exam credit, or an exam. The grading system at the Palacky University Olomouc is based on an A – F scale, i.e., A – the maximum you can achieve, F – failed. More information is here. 

What is the credit minimum I have to earn during an academic year?

Forty credits are the minimum of credits that have to be earned during an academic year. However, sixty credits are the recommended amount during an academic year. More information in the Study and Examination Code of Palacký University Olomouc.

Is the program also offered online?

No, this is a full-time program.

Is attendance at the courses compulsory?

Attendance in most courses is compulsory for the successful completion of the program.

Where do I get the study material?

The majority of the material is accessible online through Moodle platform. All students of the program can access the Moodle platform for free via STAG (Student Agenda) system. You can also borrow study manuals and books from the University library.

Will I be able to access the University library?

Yes, once you become a holder of an ISIC (International Student Identity Card – which costs 450 CZK), you will get access to the University library.

Does Palacký University Olomouc provide students with a dormitory?

Yes, once you are admitted to the program, the University makes an arrangement for your accommodation and sends you the official letter of accommodation that you need to show in the dormitory upon arrival. Once in the dormitory, you have to pay the dormitory fee. Before you arrive, please, make sure you know the address of the accommodation. Here you can find more information about Palacky University accommodation.

How far is the dormitory located from the Department of Development Studies?

Depend on which Dormitory you are accommodated in. The Neredin Campus is approx. 15-minutes ride by tram. The Envelopa Campus is next to the Faculty of Science.

Will I have access to the Internet in the dormitory?

Yes, there is internet access in all dormitory buildings.

Do students have any discounts for public transportation, stores, etc.?

As an ISIC holder, you will be offered different discounts. You can find more information about the discounts on this website.

What is the cost of living in the Czech Republic?

The cost of living in the Czech Republic is much lower than in Western Europe. Moreover, Olomouc is even more affordable than other Czech cities. 

Many students confirm that 600 €/month was enough to live in Olomouc. See examples of the costs in Olomouc.

Where can I find more information about the city of Olomouc (transportation, accommodation, meals, etc)?

You can check the following websites: