Mgr. Simona ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Email address: simona.safarikova@upol.cz
Telephone: +420 585 634 986
Mobile phone: +420 776 120 278
Room: 2.008
Office hours: Monday 9:00-10:30
Courses taught
Development Opportunities of South and South East Asia (MRS/RPJVA) – in Czech
Development of South and Southeast Asia (MRS/XGDSA) – in English
Development Opportunities in Central Asia and Middle East (MRS/RPSA) – in Czech
Development of Central Asia and Caucasus (MRS/XGDCA) – in English
Qualitative Research Methods (MRS/KLM) – in Czech
Qualitative Methods in Development (MRS/XQLM) – in English
Research Methods in Development (MRS/G06) – in English
Development Geography (MRS/G03) – in English
Sport and Development (MRS/SAD) – in English
Geographic Field Trip into Developping Region (MRS/EXR)
Field trip to European development institutions 1, 2, 3, 4 (MRS/EEI1B, MRS/EEI1M)
Physical activities for IDS (MRS/PAMRS)
Field trip to Czech Development Institutions (MRS/EXCRM, MRS/EXCRB)
2008 – 2013
Palacky University, Faculty of Physical Culture
doctoral degree in Kinantropology (Sport Science)
2001 – 2007
Palacky University, Faculty of Physical Culture
Master degree in Teaching Geography and Physical Education
1998 – 2001
Palacky University, Faculty of Science
Bachelor degree in Geoinformatics
Work experience
since 2008
Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Science, Palacky University in Olomouc (assistant)
Agency of development and humanitarian assistance of Olomouc Region (help with projects and translations)
Professional Interests
- Development issues with focus on Asia – South and South-East Asia, Central Asia, Caucasus
- Sport and Development (Development through Sport) – role of sport in development
- Global (Development) Education
Thesis supervision
- Thematic areas:
- sport and its impact on development
- challenges and development opportunities in Asia (South, Southeast, Central, Caucasus)
- Global Development Education
- Specific topics for theses:
- Exploring the competencies of active citizenship and their origin based on annual training cycle for leaders of international voluntary projects (workcamps)
Membership in professional organizations
- Environmental Education Centre Slunakov
- Czech Geographical Society
- Czech Kinanthropology Association
- Czech Evaluation Society
- International Sociology of Sport Association
Svoboda A., Šafaříková S. (2021). Sport for development in international relations. Politics in Central Europe, 17 (3), 481-500.
Šafaříková S., Svoboda A. (2021). Sport and Development in the Czech Republic: Sport as a Tool for Social and Cultural Transformation. In Tinaz, C., Knott,. B. (ed.) Sport and Development in Emerging Nations, 44-57. London: Routledge.
Mařincová L., Šafaříková S., Cahlíková R. (2020). Analysis of main risk factors contributing to obesity in the region of East Africa: meta-analysis. African Health Sciences, 20 (1), 248-256.
van der Klashorst, E., Safarikova, S. (2018). Twitter as barometer of public opinion on the female athlete: the case of Caster Semenya. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences,
24 (4), 649 – 65.
Sobotová, L., Šafaříková, S., González Martínez, M. A. (2016). Sport as a tool for development and peace: tackling insecurity and violence in the urban settlement Cazucá, Soacha, Colombia. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 8(5), 519-534.
Dušková, L., Šafaříková, S. (2015). Kvalitativní metody pro rozvojová studia. Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. [Qualitative Methods for Development Studies]
Šafaříková , S. (2015). Book review: Sport and social exclusion in global society. Sport in Society, 11(2), 292-294.
Baluchová Markovič, B., Šafaříková, S., Dušková, L. (2015). Mediálne školenie v teréne smerom k zodpovednému informovaniu o rozvoji (in press). Medzinárodná konferencia Rozvoj a demokracia / Development and Democracy: Thinking ahead for Sustainable development. Nadácia Pontis, Bratislava. [Media training in the field to inform responsibly about development]
Šafaříková, S. (2014). Sport a rozvoj – využívání sportu v rozvojové problematice. [Sport and Development – The Use of Sport in Development Issues]. In P. Nováček (Ed.), Rozvojová studia – vybrané kapitoly (pp. 149-161). Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Šafaříková, S. (2013). LETNÍ ŠKOLA KVALITATIVNÍCH VÝZKUMNÝCH METOD NA LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. [Summer School of Qualitative Methods at London School of Economics]. Česká kinantropologie, 17(1), 111-112.
Šafaříková, S. (2012). SPORT A ROZVOJ – koncept a potenciál pro vzdělávání. [SPORT AND DEVELOPMENT – concept and the potentials for education]. Česká kinantropologie, 16(4), 11-28.
Šafaříková, S. (2011). The influence of football on the personal development of children in Uganda (using semistructured interviews). Journal of Human Sport & Exercise, 7(1), p. 173-177.
Dušková, L., Harmáček, J., Krylová, P., Opršal, Z., Syrovátka, M., & Šafaříková. S. (2011). Encyklopedie rozvojových studií. [Encyclopedia of Development Studies]. Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Šafaříková, S. & Khomutova, A. (2011). The interpersonal relations in a group of young adolescents – participants of the football programme in Uganda. In Scientific report series physical education and sport. Nr 15 (1/2011). University of Pitesti, Faculty of physical education and sport.
Conferences, summer schools and research stays
ERASMUS staff training and research – University of Sarajevo (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), research projeck Geographies of development aid at subnational level in transition countries of Eastern and South-eastern Europe
Conference – International Sociology of Sport Association Conference (Tubingen, Germany)
ERASMUS teaching stay – Hassan II University (Casablanca, Morocco)
Football for Peace seminar (University of Brighton, Great Britain)
Research stay – research in the field of sport and development with NGO Tiempo de Juego (Bogota, Colombia)
Conference – International Sociology of Sport Association Conference (Budapest, Hungary)
CEISAL conference – Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina (Salamanca, Spain)
ERASMUS teaching stay – Universidad de Alicante (Alicante, Spain)
Research stay – research in the field of sport and development with NGO Tiempo de Juego (Bogota, Colombia)
Study stay – Institute of Russian language A. S. Pushkin (Moscow, Russsia)
Essex University – Summer School on Case Studies (Colchester, Great Britain)
ERASMUS teaching stay – Universidad de Granada (Granada, Spain)
ERASMUS teaching stay – Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (Fort de France, Martinique, France)
Communities and Crisis – Inclusive Development through Sport (Rheinsberg, Germany)
London School of Ecomonomics – Summer School on Qualitative research methods (London, Great Britain)
Sport as a mediator between cultures (Netanya, Israel)
2008, 2009
International Seminar „Sport in Post-disaster Intervention“ (Rheinsberg, Germany)
United Nations – Graduate Study Programme (Geneva, Switzerland)
International Conference “Sport a Integration” (Frankfurt, Germany) – role of sport in the process of immigrants´ integration into the society
Summer School – European Young Citizen´s Convention (Cluny, France)
Foreign experience
Football for Hope festival (Johannesburg, South Africa)
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
GLEN project (Global Education Network of Young Europeans) – tutor – preparation of volunteers for internships in developing countries and global education activities
Mexico – AIESEC internship (4 months) – Education Traineeship (teaching of English and French, work in an orphanage and in a foundation for children with mental disabilities, cooperation in PAREMPI project – CSR)
Mongolia – GLEN project (3 months) – volunteer in ACHLAL school in Ulaabaatar suburb (creation of educative and leisure activities for children)
(www.inexsda.cz, www.glen-europe.org)