Room: 2.030
E-mail: eva.serakomlossyova@upol.cz
Tel.: +420 585 634 980
Office hours
Scheduled by e-mail
Courses taught
- Project Management (MRS/WPM)
- Development Assistance (MRS/WDA)
- Evaluations of Development Projects (MRS/WEDP)
- Possible Futures Mapping (MRS/YMAP)
2013 – 2022
Ph.D. (doctoral degree)
Thesis Title: Assessing the role of civil society organizations in the peacebuilding process in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Development and Environmental Studies Olomouc, Czech Republic
Study program: International Development Studies
2011 – 2013
Mgr. (master´s degree): graduated with honour
Thesis Title: Evaluation of Peacebuilding Projects: Case Study of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Development Studies, Czech Republic
Study program: International Development Studies
2006 – 2009
Bc. (bachelor´s degree): graduated with honour
Thesis Title: Evaluation of NGO projects for the reduction of interethnic tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Development Studies, Czech Republic
Study program: International Development Studies
International Experience
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: research stay
Scanteam, Oslo, Norway: research associate
Nansen Dialogue Centre, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: research intern, evaluation of the peacebuilding project “Reconciliation and Integration through Education and Dialogue”
Malmö University, Sweden: Peace and Conflict Studies (Erasmus exchange program)
Permanent Mission of Slovak Republic to the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland: intern
Professional Interests
conflict resolution and peacebuilding, role of the civil society in peacebuilding, evaluation of peacebuilding projects, effectiveness of peacebuilding interventions, Western Balkans region
Thesis Mentoring
Peacebuilding, evaluations of development and peacebuilding projects, role of the civil society in peacebuilding, topics related to the Western Balkans region